KPN Champion

This program aims to create a competitive environment and appreciation for the top employees of each business unit. There are two aspects evaluated in this competition: Internalization of the KPN Corp values in each Champion. The spirit of continuous improvement manifested in the execution of business improvement projects that have an impact on business needs.

The launch of this program has undergone careful consideration and extensive discussions with various stakeholders. This event has several stage. It starts with orientation, then candidates create proposals for their projects. This process helps turn ideas into real projects and encourages creativity and innovation.


What They Say:

"I am very happy to be able to participate in this training. Personally, this training has a beneficial impact; from identifying problems to continuing with project creation. Everything is explained in great detail.- Azuwardi (Cemindo)

"I hope this can be a forum for colleagues throughout KPN to be able to improvise so that they can produce good output and develop for the future." - Arzan Mardinata (Cemindo)

"The event from the first day was very good. We hope that from the program that is held, participants can give and get something positive and also improvisation for the company in the future." - Dida Sundara (Corporate)

"The training was very exciting because we didn't just learn, but we were also encouraged to bring an action plan and give a good response. This is one way to build employee personality."- Seftianne Hasan (Downstream)