KPN Makes Its Table Tennis Debut, Acknowledges Tough Competition

KPN makes its debut in the corporate sports arena at the Table Tennis Okezone 2024 event held at GOR Pertamina Simprug, South Jakarta, on Saturday (8/31/2024). Unfortunately, KPN had to settle for a spot in the preliminary round after being defeated by the host team, Pertamina Energia.


KPN Table Tennis Athletes in Action

KPN Table Tennis Athletes in Action

Despite failing to advance to the next round, KPN athletes showed great fighting spirit. One of KPN's table tennis players, Kristianto, expressed his excitement about his first experience at such a prestigious tournament.


"Thanks everybody... It's my first time experiencing the atmosphere of a table tennis match where the players' level is generally national-level," he said enthusiastically.


Kris added that KPN's participation in this event is a good first step in improving the company's athletic performance.


Meanwhile, KPN Corp's Head of Corporate Communications, Agusnadi, stated that participating in Table Tennis Okezone 2024 is part of the company's efforts to foster a spirit of sportsmanship and health among employees.


"We hope that in the future, KPN can continue to participate in similar sporting events and achieve better results," he said.


The defeat in the first corporate sports event at Table Tennis Okezone 2024 is certainly a valuable lesson for the KPN table tennis team. However, the spirit of never giving up and the desire to continue learning and growing must be maintained. With the experience gained from this event, it is hoped that KPN Corp can perform even better in future competitions. (RyP)