Hotlan, the Driving Force Behind Semen's Victory

Jakarta, September 7, 2024 – Cheers erupted at the KYZN basketball court in Kuningan as the Semen team clinched the gold medal in the KPN Sports Festival 2024 (KSF 2024) basketball tournament on Wednesday (4/9/2024). This resounding victory not only brought honor to the team but also solidified Semen's position as the overall champion of the annual KPN Corp sports event.


Behind the success of the Semen team is a key figure who has always been present to provide unwavering support, Hotlan Edward Sitompul. Hotlan, as part of the management team, has attended every game and cheered on the athletes.


"I can't play basketball, so the least I can do is support them," said Hotlan. "By supporting them, we're also fighting together, right?"


Hotlan moment, support the Semen team

Hotlan moment, support the Semen team

He believes that management support has a significant impact on the athletes' performance on the court.


"Of course, when we support them, they're more motivated to give their best for the company," he said.


The HC Division Head expressed his high hopes for the future of the Semen team. Hotlan hopes that the spirit of togetherness and solidarity that has been built will continue to grow.


"I hope that next year, we can continue this togetherness and solidarity because we're all part of KPN, not just Cemindo," he said. "And in the future, I hope we can maintain this because maintaining something is harder than achieving it. Hopefully, we can defend our title next year," he said.


The Semen team's basketball victory not only showcases the hard work of the athletes but also serves as a major inspiration for all KPN Corp employees. This outstanding achievement proves that with teamwork and strong support, anything is possible. (RyP)