Success of Downstream Women's eSports Team, Proving Core Value 'Adaptive to Change'

The Downstream all-female eSports team dominated the KPN Sports Festival 2024 (KSF 2024) held on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. This achievement is even more special considering that this was the first time women's eSports was featured in the KSF.


Downstream's victory is a clear example of the company's core value, ‘Adaptive to Change’ as team captain Jessica expressed.


"We're super happy and excited to have won this championship. We really trust each other as a team," said Jessica.


Echoing her captain, team member Lisa added, "It's kind of new, because we had a team before, but one member couldn't make it, so we had to replace her with someone new. This is really a new team."


The Downstream all-female eSports team demonstrated great flexibility and adaptability. Despite facing a last-minute change in their lineup, they were still able to perform solidly and achieve the best results. 


Their achievement proves that with an adaptive spirit, strong teamwork, and dedication, anyone can achieve success. This victory also shows that eSports is more than just a game; it's a platform to hone skills, build character, and achieve great things.


The KSF 2024 has been a huge success, not just for the Downstream all-female eSports team but for all participants. The event has successfully strengthened bonds between employees and fostered a spirit of sportsmanship in the workplace.